In [1]:
%pylab inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#from IPython.core.display import HTML
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Tight bindig model of diamond and zincblende type semiconductors

Peter Y. Yu, Manuel Cardona: Fundamentals of Semiconductors Physics and Materials Properties see here

Further reading:

Rolf Enderlein & Norman J Horing: Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics and Devices see here

In [2]:
def matafn(h):
    'Array flatten a matrix list of appropriate dimensions'
    for sor in range(1,len(h)):
    return H
In [3]:
# Az abra kimentesehez az alabbiakat a  ele kell tenni!!! 

#savefig('fig_rainbow_p2_1ray.pdf');  # Abra kimentese
#savefig('fig_rainbow_p2_1ray.eps');  # Abra kimentese

# Abra es fontmeretek
xfig_meret= 9   #    12 nagy abrahoz
yfig_meret= 6    #   12 nagy abrahoz
xyticks_meret= 15  #  20 nagy abrahoz
xylabel_meret= 20  #  30 nagy abrahoz
legend_meret= 21   #  30 nagy abrahoz
In [4]:
One=matrix([[ 1,  0],[0,  1]])
Zero = matrix([[ 0,  0],[0,  0]])
Ham1 = zeros(shape=(8,8), dtype=complex)

Parameters (from Yu & Cardona):

\begin{eqnarray} V_{ss} &=& 4 V_{ss\sigma}, \hspace{5mm} V_{sp} = \frac{4}{\sqrt{3}}\, V_{sp\sigma}, \nonumber \\ V_{xx} &=& \frac{4}{3}\, ( V_{pp\sigma}+ 2 V_{pp\pi}), \hspace{5mm} V_{xy} &=& \frac{4}{3}\, ( V_{pp\sigma} - V_{pp\pi}). \end{eqnarray}
In [5]:
def Ham_op(k,params):
    Ham = zeros(shape=(8,8), dtype=complex)
    # notation from Yu& Cardona:
    EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss, Vsp, Vxx, Vxy = params
    d1 = 1/4*array([1,1,1])
    d2 = 1/4*array([1,-1,-1])
    d3 = 1/4*array([-1,1,-1])
    d4 = 1/4*array([-1,-1,1])

    # notation from Yu& Cardona: 
    g1 = (expk1 + expk2 + expk3 + expk4)/4
    g2 = (expk1 + expk2 - expk3 - expk4)/4
    g3 = (expk1 - expk2 + expk3 - expk4)/4
    g4 = (expk1 - expk2 - expk3 + expk4)/4
    # Basis of Ham is based on  
    # Rolf Enderlein, Norman J. Horing: Fundamental of Semiconductor Physics and Devices 
    # (s1, x1, y1, z1, s2, x2, y2, z2)
    ###   2nd nearest hopping can be included:
    #see /home/cserti/okt/Szilfiz/Papers_books/Tight_binding_model/TB_Chadi_Cohen_Phys_Satus_Solidi_1975.pdf
    Uxx=0   #Uxx=-1.46   now it is swithed off
    gg= cos(k[1])*cos(k[2])
    h11 = matrix([[EsA+Uxx*gg,0,0,0],
    h22 = matrix([[EsB,0,0,0],
    h12 = matrix([[Vss*g1, Vsp*g2, Vsp*g3, Vsp*g4],
                  [-Vsp*g2, Vxx*g1, Vxy*g4, Vxy*g3],
                  [-Vsp*g3, Vxy*g4, Vxx*g1, Vxy*g2],
                  [-Vsp*g4, Vxy*g3, Vxy*g2, Vxx*g1]])
    h21 = h12.H
    Ham = matafn([[h11,h12],[h21,h22]])    
    return Ham
In [6]:
# parameters for Silicon
# energies in units of eV

# For parameters see Table 2.26 in Yu & Cardona book
EsA= -13.55;
EsB = EsA;
EpA = -6.52+0.17;   #  -6.52
EpB = EpA
Vss_YC = -8.13;
Vsp_YC = 5.88;
Vxx_YC = 3.17; ##   itt lehet, hogy eliras van, 
               ##   mert a Chadi and M. L. Cohen cikkre hivatkoznak 
Vxy_YC = 7.51;  ### itt mas cikkben van egy -1 szorzo
params_Si_YC = [EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss_YC,Vsp_YC,Vxx_YC,Vxy_YC]

# For parameters see Table 1. in file 'TB_Chadi_Cohen_Phys_Satus_Solidi_1975.pdf'
# D. J. Chadi and M. L. Cohen, "Tight-binding calculations of the 
# valence bands of diamond and zincblende crystals," 
# Phys. Status Solidi (b) 68, 405 (1975).

EsA= -13.55;
EsB = EsA;
EpA = -6.52+0.17;   #  -6.52
EpB = EpA
Vss_CC = -8.13;
Vsp_CC = 5.88;
Vxx_CC = 1.71; ##   itt lehet, hogy eliras van a Chadi and M. L. Cohen cikkben, 
               ##   mert nem jo eredmenyt ad a program. 
Vxy_CC = 7.51;  ### itt mas cikkben van egy -1 szorzo
params_Si_CC = [EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss_CC,Vsp_CC,Vxx_CC,Vxy_CC]

## For parameters see Table 2.7 in Enderlein & Horing book:
#Vss = 4*Vsssig
#Vsp = 4*Vspsig/sqrt(3)
#Vxx = 4/3*(Vppsig+2*Vpppi)
#Vxy = 4/3*(Vppsig-Vpppi)

Vsssig_EH = -1.93
Vspsig_EH = 2.54
Vppsig_EH = 4.47
Vpppi_EH = -1.12
params_Si_EH = [EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, 4*Vsssig_EH,4*Vspsig_EH/sqrt(3),
                      4/3*(Vppsig_EH + 2*Vpppi_EH),4/3*(Vppsig_EH - Vpppi_EH )]

## For parameters see file 'TB_Si_cinquanta.pdf'

Vsssig_cin = -1.774
Vspsig_cin = -0.8473
Vppsig_cin = 1.531
Vpppi_cin  = -0.7165
params_Si_cin = [EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, 4*Vsssig_cin,4*Vspsig_cin/sqrt(3),

print("Yu & Cardona: \n")

print("Ep-Es = ",EpA-EsA)
print("EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy =",params_Si_YC)

print("\nChadi & Cohen: \n")
print("EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy =",params_Si_CC)

print("\nEnderlein & Horing: \n")
print("EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy =",params_Si_EH)

print("\nfrom TB_Si_cinquanta.pdf: \n")
print("EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy =",params_Si_cin)
Yu & Cardona: 

Ep-Es =  7.200000000000001
EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy = [-13.55, -13.55, -6.35, -6.35, -8.13, 5.88, 3.17, 7.51]

Chadi & Cohen: 

EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy = [-13.55, -13.55, -6.35, -6.35, -8.13, 5.88, 1.71, 7.51]

Enderlein & Horing: 

EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy = [-13.55, -13.55, -6.35, -6.35, -7.72, 5.8658787349665982, 2.9733333333333327, 7.453333333333333]

from TB_Si_cinquanta.pdf: 

EsA, EsB, EpA, EpB, Vss,Vsp,Vxx,Vxy = [-13.55, -13.55, -6.35, -6.35, -7.096, -1.9567555323374799, 0.1306666666666665, 2.9966666666666666]
In [7]:
## fcc lattice: 
# Silicon, params_Si

params = params_Si_YC  # from Yu & Cardona
#params = params_Si_CC  # from Chadi & Cohen
#params = params_Si_Enderlin  # from Enderlein & Horing
#params = params_Si_cinquanta # from TB_Si_cinquanta.pdf

Npoints = 20;  ## hany pontbol keszul a gorbe
ymax = 24.5;

## unit cell vectors of the reciprocal vectors:
##  in units of 2 pi/a

b1 = 2*pi*array([-1,1,1])
b2 = 2*pi*array([1,-1,1])
b3 = 2*pi*array([1,1,-1])

## high symmetry points in the Brillouin zone
## FONTOS: a szomszedos spec. k pontokat kell venni 
## (ezek most nem a fenti abranak megfelelo pontok, de szomszedos pontok, 
## es igy jo az abra)

Gp = 2*pi*array([0,0,0])
Xp = 2*pi*array([0,1,0])
Wp = 2*pi*array([1/2,1,0])
Kp = 2*pi*array([3/4,3/4,0])
Lp = 2*pi*array([1/2,1/2,1/2])
Up = 2*pi*array([1/4,1,1/4])

##  G-X-W-L-G-K-X line,,,  
#specpoints = array([Gp,Xp,Wp,Lp,Gp,Kp,Xp])
#  L-G-X-U-G line,,,  
#specpoints = array([Lp,Gp,Xp,Up,Kp,Gp])   #   U,K -S - X
#specpoints = array([Lp,Gp,Xp,Up,Gp])   #   U,K -S - X
specpoints = array([Lp,Gp,Xp,Up,Kp,Gp])  

## FIGYELEM: fcc racs eseten az irodalomban az U,K jeloles azt jelenti, hogy 
## U-K vonal menten NEM rajzoljuk ki a savot!!!!!

###  kiiratashoz, az x-tengelyen:
specNev_map = {tuple(Gp):"$\Gamma$",tuple(Xp):"$X$",tuple(Wp):"$W$",

klist = []
specpos = [0]
kk = [0]
tmp = 0
for i in (range(len(specpoints)-1)):
    if not i==3:   ########## Az  U,K pontok egybe!!!!! 
        sl = specpoints[i+1]-specpoints[i]  
        sl_hossz = sqrt(dot(sl,sl))
        dk = sl/Npoints
        for num in arange(0,Npoints):
           # k vector along the line given by speclines:
             klist.append(specpoints[i] + num*dk)
           # length of the k vector and shifted: 
             tmp +=  sqrt(dot(dk,dk)) 


E_shift = eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[1]
enlist = []
for kv in klist:
    enlist.append(eigvalsh(Ham_op(kv, params))-E_shift)
    #enlist.append(eigvalsh(Ham_op(kv, params_Si_Enderlin))-E_shift)
enlist= array(enlist)

# drawing the figure


# len(enlist[0,:])
for ii in range(0,8):

E_x_axis = (eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[0]-E_shift)*1.2
i = 0
for xc in specpos:
ylabel(r'$E(\mathbf{k}) \,\, (eV)$',fontsize=xylabel_meret)

#  kikapcsoljuk a xticks: 
xticks([], [])


cim = "Si, diamond, TB approx."


#savefig('Fig_Si_TB_LGXU-KG_from_Yu_Cardona.png');  # Abra kimentese

Check, at the $\Gamma$ point the eigenenergies $E_i(\mathbf{0}), i=1,2, \dots 8$ can be obtained analytically (Enderlein & Horing):

$E_1(\mathbf{0}) = E_s+V_{ss}$

$E_{2,3,4}(\mathbf{0}) = E_p-V_{xx}$

$E_{5,6,7}(\mathbf{0}) = E_p+V_{xx}$

$E_8(\mathbf{0}) = E_s-V_{ss} $

In [8]:
## a sorrend nem ok, de a szamok igen. 
E_at_G_YC = [EsA+Vss_YC,EpA-Vxx_YC,EpA-Vxx_YC,EpA-Vxx_YC,

for i in range(8):
    print("i = %d,   E_i = %8.3f, from code = %8.3f " % (i+1, E_at_G_YC[i] - E_shift, 
                                     eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[i]- E_shift))
i = 1,   E_i =  -12.160, from code =  -12.160 
i = 2,   E_i =    0.000, from code =    0.000 
i = 3,   E_i =    0.000, from code =    0.000 
i = 4,   E_i =    0.000, from code =    0.000 
i = 5,   E_i =    6.340, from code =    4.100 
i = 6,   E_i =    6.340, from code =    6.340 
i = 7,   E_i =    6.340, from code =    6.340 
i = 8,   E_i =    4.100, from code =    6.340 
In [9]:
eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params)), eigvalsh(Ham_op(Kp, params))
(array([-21.68,  -9.52,  -9.52,  -9.52,  -5.42,  -3.18,  -3.18,  -3.18]),
 array([-17.46252951, -16.32008131, -14.17527334, -13.22442172,
         -3.84489292,  -2.21299404,   0.52442172,   1.51577113]))
In [10]:
eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[1]-eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[0]
In [11]:
eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[4]-eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[0]
In [12]:
eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[5]-eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))[1]
In [13]:
[-13.55, -13.55, -6.35, -6.35, -8.13, 5.88, 3.17, 7.51]
In [14]:
eigvalsh(Ham_op(Gp, params))
array([-21.68,  -9.52,  -9.52,  -9.52,  -5.42,  -3.18,  -3.18,  -3.18])
In [ ]: